Think of it as a process that lets you hone in on who are and what you want, so you can take action towards a life that’s aligned with your values. We do this by facilitating open and thought-provoking conversations, as well as using tools and frameworks. There is always a goal or stated objective in coaching (though it can vary during the session or over several session) and actions that help you consolidate your learning.
My particular Holistic brand of coaching appreciates that there are many factors that act upon us and in order to fully support the client, these need to be considered. In this way, I draw heavily from Gestalt therapy, where an individuals’ experience of the world is a combination of all of the intersecting contexts that surround them. This allows a lot more compassion and capacity to hold space for a client in what they need.
Roda also draws upon NLP, neuroscience, meditation and mindfulness practices, Jungian, Humanistic and Positive Psychology to create a richer experience for clients.
Coaching is a way to connect to the purest part of yourself, understand your uniqueness and feel a sense of belonging because you feel both appreciated by and of value to others. It’s also a way to put into place actions that make tangible benefits to your life. It’s what we’re all after, really, and it’s easier to find with support and guidance.
Unlike psychotherapy and counseling, coaching isn’t about extensively examining your past and particular traumas. It’s also different to mentoring because we don’t provide industry-specific advice. In fact, I believe you already have the answers inside you. I’m there to help you find them—and then act on it.
It’s also important to note that if you have a diagnosed psychiatric condition, I’m probably not the right person to tackle that head on, though I can certainly support you in other ways . That said, anxiety and depression are areas that you may find significant improvements in. This will be more as a consequence of building a meaningful, fulfilling and robust life that dealing with them directly.
All of that said, every “stuck” part of us is a consequence of some degree of trauma, whether it’s little or big. Being in the process of completing training in Gestalt Therapy, I can hold more space for this than a regular coach. There just may be a time where it’s more appropriate to pass you on to a psychotherapist for that part of the work. I have an extensive network of highly skilled professionals that I can recommend if this is where we arrive.
Most people need 6 sessions as a minimum commitment. If it’s less than this, you’re probably not going to get much bang for your buck. Generally, the first few sessions are about becoming familiar with each other. As the relationship deepens, so too do the revelations and benefits. I then recommend weekly or fortnightly sessions to keep up momentum. To get lasting and meaningful changes that significantly improve your life and those around you, three months is a good starting point.

Be the mapmaker of your life
Have you ever felt like a bit lost in life’s landscape, or equally, stuck on a one way street? Without a clear map, it’s easy to do. We’re here to help you lead a deliberate life, with choices born from a deep sense of self, aligned to what you value the most. You’ll feel truly alive, transforming the world around you into an adventure you’re proud to be a part of.